Tuesday, March 15, 2016

EOC Week 8: 9 to 5

In the movie 9 to 5, there are many issues in the work place. A few of those being many sexual comments that were said and sexual advances that the boss made with his employee. According to the book, sexual harassment is: "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. " This was seen quite frequently with the boss and Dolly Parton's character. He would push things off his desk and have her pick them up just so he could look down her shirt. He also bought her gifts when she told him many times that she was married and not interested. 
Sexual harassment can happen anywhere but is most common in the workplace. It involves unwelcome words, deeds, actions, gestures, symbols, or behaviors of a sexual nature that make the target feel uncomfortable. Gender and sexual orientation harassment fall into this form of harassment. All of these sorts of behaviors were happening with Dolly’s boss to her. 

Spreading rumors, playing pranks, inflicting property damage, vandalism, sabotage, armed robbery, theft, physical assaults, psychological trauma, anger-related incidents, rape, arson, and murder are all examples of workplace violence. Spreading of rumors was happening when many of Dolly’s coworkers thought that her and the boss were having an affair. 

The issues started at the beginning of the movie when the mentor was training the new employee and it was very obvious that she didn't want to train her. This behavior gives the new employee a bad impression and that this place isn't a good place to work. The mentor continues her inappropriate work behavior by talking bad about other employees behind their back. 

The manager of this place had many issues and did many inappropriate things too. He would ask his employees to do meaningless tasks in order for them to move up or get promoted. He would also give a worker a promotion just because they had a family and they were male.  

Overall, this place was a bad work environment, and nothing was being done to fix the issues.

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